Available courses

The Certificate Course is designed to equip trainees with an understanding of the 12-Pillar Clinical Governance Programme (12-PCGP). The 12-Pillars collectively shape the safety, effectiveness, and other domains of quality in healthcare delivery in Lower, Low, and Middle Income Countries (LLMIC) e.g. Nigeria.                             

The Certificate Course shall comprise written content on each of the 12 Pillars, plus the special features on Clinical Governance: ‘Logistics and Supply Chain for Healthcare’, ‘Nutrition, Food Safety and Hygiene’, and ‘Occupational Health and Safety’, shared into three modules, and the trainees shall receive essay-type questions for their assessment, and submit a course work on a related topic to the 12-PCGP.

Learning outcomes of the 12-Pillar Clinical Governance Programme

  • Develop an understanding of clinical governance and its contextual importance in healthcare.

  • Maintain and improve the quality of the care provided to patients, and to ensure full accountability of the health system to patients and staff

  • Identify and explain the twelve pillars of clinical governance and the implementation steps.

  • Analyse the structure and functions of the Health Services in relation to clinical governance.

  • Develop knowledge in clinical effectiveness and its application in healthcare practice.

  • Demonstrate knowledge of clinical audits, including their purpose and how it’s conducted.

Price of the programme:

Single Practitioners N40K
Student N30K
Institution N35K per participant (min 5)


Study method: Online

Duration: 3 months (30th September – 31st December 2024)

Eligibility for the Certificate course: this course is suitable for all medical practitioners and health workers, clinical and non-clinical, including health facility chief executives, officers-in-charge, administrators, policy makers and implementers, logistics and supply chain and stores personnel, occupational health and safety personnel, food safety and hygiene personnel. It is also suitable for monitoring and evaluation in health care personnel.

Additional information:

  • One module per month for lectures

  • Course work topic shall be chosen in the first month, and write-up
    submitted for marking by end of second month.

  • The Certificate of completion shall be awarded to the successful trainees at the end of the course. 

Register your place on the 12-Pillar Clinical Governance Programme

Existing subscriber – login here to access the course

The Postgraduate Diploma (PGD) course is designed to equip trainees with in-depth understanding and practice of the 12-Pillar Clinical Governance Programme (12-PCGP). The 12-Pillars collectively shape the safety, effectiveness, and other domains of quality in healthcare delivery in Lower, Low, and Middle Income Countries (LLMIC) e.g. Nigeria.      

The Postgraduate Diploma (PGD) course shall include all of the above for the Certificate Course, plus a planned observership to a quality accredited hospital. The planned observership shall in total last four weeks but may be divided into four weekly sessions. The trainees shall be responsible for sourcing the hospital for observership, assisted by the HRI-
GLOBAL Academy.

Eligibility for the Post Graduate Diploma course: Suitable for medical doctors, specialty
nurses and midwives, specialty allied health professionals, health facility chief executives,
senior health administrators and policy makers.

Start date: January 2025

Register your interest